Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Improv that I Do

Now is a good time to outline the improv that I do so in the future you know what I'm talking about!  I'll start with the most recent and work my way back from the first to the second.  Yup.


GirlProv Blog
GirlProv on Twitter
And on Facebook!

Current Cast:
Maggie Cargill
Julie Miller
Havana Mahoney
Anna Smith
Danielle Cooper
Lynsey Becher

GirlProv began in the fall of 2009 with the idea of throwing a group of female improvisors together and see what happens.  We knew it wasn't a completely original idea, but we'd be one of the few and proud.
We started off with 6 girls.  Now we're at 6 but only 3 of the original cast remains.  I'll let you figure out that math.
We perform periodically in Lawrence and Kansas City.  I'm hoping soon we'll have more regular shows.

Upcoming shows:
March 24, 7pm at the Roving Imp's Tiny Group Festival
April 14, 10pm Improv Thunderdome Championships at ComedyCity

I'm proud of us.  We're completely self taught except for a few coaching sessions with the fantastic Jen Roser.  We started out literally saying "what the fuck do we do?" to kicking ass and taking names in Thunderdome and the College Improv Tournament.  We've taken workshops with Twinprov to teach us the ways of musical improv and improvised rap.  We play with the weird and the wonderful.  Nothing is off limits for these crazy ladies.

Stitch Tactics

Current Cast:
Joe Carey
Tosin Morohunfola
Maggie Cargill
Elliott Hoffman
John Stephan
Havana Mahoney
Spencer Lott
Cody Haynes

Stitch Tactics began in 2005 (I think) as a student group at the University of Kansas.  Led by Jordy Altman and Alex Haynes, Stitch went from a student group where people can come to learn and play to a professional troupe by the fall of 2008 with regular shows in Kansas City.

I refer to them as "those boys".  We rehearse once our short form sets once a week and then head out to karaoke.  Recently we've been playing with the AssssCat and I've mentioned perhaps playing with the JTS Brown in the future.

Upcoming Shows:
March 23rd, 10pm at ComedyCity.  
*Special guests: On The Spot Improv from Kansas State University
Every 2nd and 4th Friday, 10pm at ComedyCity.  Talk to one of us about how to get half-price tickets!

I can't say enough good words about those boys.  They're supportive team players.  They want Stitch to succeed as a professional group.  They give a shit about improving our improv.  They're my friends :)


Cool, now you know what I do!  I'm lucky enough to perform in two awesome troupes who kick lots of ass.  I hope you'll make the drive out to Kansas City, Lawrence or Bonner Springs to see some great improv born at the University of Kansas.

Here's more information about where we play:

I want to thank everyone who lets us play.  I also want to thank Smeagle, my cat, who helped me with this blog post.

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