Monday, April 9, 2012

Shows in April

I've been so frustrated with blogspot recently.  I had an awesome post all ready to go about how confident I'm feeling, and I related that to the KU basketball team...but alas, technology baffles me.  Maybe some day I'll post that post with out-dated comments and old pictures of NBA players' college days.  Out of spite I refused to try and fix it beyond what I tried.  I know it only hurts me, but WHATEVER.  You'll just have to come see my shows to see for yourself what I tried to post last week.

I have two shows coming up in April.  The first one is THIS FRIDAY!  Here's the link to the Facebook event.

This my cat.  Prrr-row!
Friday the 13th is the perfect excuse to put Smeagle's furry little face all over the place to advertize.

The second show will also be with Stitch Tactics at ComedyCity on April 27th.  I'm also advertising space in my car to drive down there.  I know a lot of Lawrence people can't/won't go because of the drive so I'm offering to eliminate that hassle.  I'll even clean my car for you!

I just want to express how lucky I feel that Stitch Tactics gets two shows a month.  It's not easy being able to have regular shows, especially if you're a young group pulling yourselves up by your own improvised bootstraps.  Yes, we do have to pay rent for the space but just having that space set aside for us means so much to me.  I want to personally thank Clay Morgan, ComedyCity's proprietor.  Other troupes I have been a part of have only performed based on demand--as in, we perform if someone wants us to be a part of their show.  Nothing regular.  I also want to thank the guys that paved this road for me. I'm talking about Jordy, Alex, Tosin, Hilary, Spencer and Joe, not to mention others I'm sure I've forgotten who spent time and money getting Stitch Tactics on its feet.  It's my job now to see where we can go from there.

I am grateful to and humbled by all of the fantastic people in the improv community.  I wouldn't be where I am without all of you and I hope that in my actions and dedication to the art that I effectively express that to you.

Thank you.

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